Saturday, 3 August 2013

Introduction of Themes in Wordpress

Introduction of Themes in Wordpress

Themes are basically represents how your website looks. In this lesson I simply show how to change the themes from the existing themes. Later on I will discuss in detail on themes.

First of all login on the WordPress. Start your Wamp Server then type following url in your browser:-

8080 is my port number and WordPress is my folder which I created at the time of installation.

It will show the following window:-

Figure 1

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Wordpress installation on Localhost Wamp Server

Wordpress Installation on Localhost Wamp Server

Wordpress is free open source and CMS based on PHP and MySql. This is the most commonly used blogging tool.

10 Easy Steps to installation of Wordpress on Localhost

Step 1:-
Downloads the wordpress from the following URL:-

Figure 1

Step 2:-

Go to C drive->Wamp->www

Friday, 7 June 2013

Lesson -8 Add Youtube video in Joomla

Add Youtube video in Joomla

If we want to embed youtube video in joomla then we can do it very easily. Following are the steps to embed youtube video in joomla:-

First of all go to the administrator and open the global configuration

Figure 1

Now go to the Text Filters and make sure that Supers users must be No Filtering. It will show that there is no filter criteria for iframe, frame etc.

Figure 2

Lesson 4- use of And-Or in If-Else

Use of “And” and “OR” in if –Else

When we need to check more than one condition in if-else, then we use “And” and “OR” operator in if else.

Use of “And”

When we need that all condition must be true then we use “And” operator.

For Example

Let’s take the previous example where we calculate gross salary. I am taking the same example here but with some changes. If candidate salary is greater than 10000 and his dept is hr then his pf will be 5% but for other dept the pf will be 2% with all salary.

Solution of this program will be as follows:-

if($sal>10000 and $dept="hr")
echo " The Gross Salary is $gross_sal";

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Lesson 7 - Add blogs in Joomla

Add Blog in Joomla

Blogging is the hottest topic these days. Joomla also provides facility to add blogs in website. In joomla blog is the place to show multiple articles in single page.

Following are the steps to add blogs and blogs pages:-

Go to the category manager->create new category and give it name Blog
(name can be anything)


Figure 1
Then Go to the main menu->add new menu item->select menu type Category Blog

Figure 2

Lesson 6 -Module Manager in Joomla

Module Manager in Joomla

When we need to add some module in our web page like menu, banner, image etc. at particular position then we use module manager. To understand the module manager first of all I discussed position in joomla.

Position defines where we should add particular module in the website. If you want to see the current content position then follows the following steps:-

Go to the template manager->Select the Template->Click on button options

 Figure 1

Then set preview module position Enabled and save it

Lesson 5 -Template Manager in Joomla

Template Manager in Joomla

In joomla when we need to customize the template, then we use Template Manager.
We can open the template manager by selecting the Template Manager option from control panel

Figure 1

Here it is showing some already downloaded template. These templates added at the time of joomla installation. In the left side it showing star which represents that currently which template is running.

Figure 2